Anja aka Beyond Knowing

Anja aka Beyond Knowing

Tranceformation Guide
Kundalini Activation Facilitator
Gong Master

I am your Tranceformation Guide.

I facilitate journeys into trancelike states, that connect you to worlds beyond knowing. What I mean by that is a state, where your rational mind gets to take a break and you experience the Self from a place of curiosity, embodied knowing, clarity and calm.

I am a certified hypnoptherapist, gongmaster, timeline jumping guide and death-positive advocate. I envision the experiences I lead to be windows to the core of being, to inspiration, to expansion and transformation. They're here to inspire a realization of death and rebirth - not only in the obvious sense of our own life and mortality but the finite nature in everything, including parts within ourselves.

Working with the subconscious mind can be like shedding skins, dropping artificial layers of who you believe to be and giving space to the essence and what wants to emerge in your life. Only if you meet your Self from a place of compassion and curiosity you can move beyond the roadblocks that keep you stuck in a place that is not in alignment with your soul & truth and open up new opportunities.

More about me

Somehow I always knew about the power of trance states and the subconscious mind, I just could not put it into words or was understanding the whole thing rationally. I just felt it!

Within the course of my life I was always looking for experiences that would expand my awareness and alter my state of consciousness - because they opened up space for remembering my self beyond all conditioning, deep healing and growth. I do remember my first Gong Bath where I had a very vivid psychedelic experience without anything exogenous. Shortly after I started working with sounds. Starting to regularly go into trance like states and learnt how to regulate myself opened up a new world for me. Everything started to change.
Within me but also around me. I like to view it as a recalibration process. I started to shift old beliefs and in general my whole picture of what I thought was possible for me. I started to leave behind behaviors that did not align with the path I was on.

Through my fascination for expanded states of awareness I eventually trained with
Pea the Feary to became a facilitator for Timeline Jumping journeys, followed by a course with Niki Cozmo to become a certified Trauma Informed hypnotherapist.

Let’s go below the surface.

In my guidance, I focus on working with the Subconscious from a spiritual approach. I support you to relax and quiet your rational mind so you can access deeper layers of the different parts of your Self. This often times involves going to shadow places within your psyche, difficult memories or generational influences. I am dedicated to support you to look below the surface in order to transmute unhealthy beliefs, habits, perceptions and self concept. I want you to feel home within every aspect of your self and expand your expression, freedom and wealth.