The path of remembering

Kundalini Activation

Kundalini Activation is a profound journey that allows you to deeply work with your unique life force energy. It is a way to awaken your Kundalini. Guided by the innate intelligence of the nervous system, this process gently peels away layers of blockages, trauma, stored emotions and stagnant energy. This allows the release of what keeps you from freely and authentically expressing yourself in service for the highest good. The art of letting go becomes the gateway to an expanded consciousness—where we can not just fully remember our essence of oneness and connection but also embody this truth in the here and now. Beyond the personal process, Kundalini Activation is a collective evolution towards transcending illusions, survival states, and the confines of separation. It elevates us beyond limited perceptions, opening up a boundless space to authentically express the fullness of who we really are.



My Offers to you

What is Kundalini Energy?

Man doing a Kundalini Activation Session

Kundalini energy is the powerful life force that resides within each of us and that touches all of existence. It is an innate energy, ever-present and all-encompassing, flowing through every living being, acting as the bridge between the mundane and the divine, heaven and earth. Often described as dormant at the base of the spine, Kundalini can be seen as your infinite, untapped potential, your inner guide that supports the expression of your deepest truth. The substance that unlocks the realm of magic. It is the fire that cleanses, heals, and nurtures. Once awakened, the natural movement is upwards.

As Kundalini energy moves through the energy channels and centers of the body, it clears away blockages and obstacles, paving the way for freedom and harmony. By connecting us to source and unity consciousness, Kundalini initiates a profound shift on all levels of being - mind, body, spirit, and soul. This transformative journey allows us to move through life with greater flow, grace, and alignment. It helps us to realise and embody our multidimensionality. Moreover, Kundalini activation is not just an individual process; it has a ripple effect on the collective consciousness, influencing the way we relate to one another, acting as a door opener to co-create a new Earth. Through the awakening of Kundalini energy, we become bridges between heaven and earth, embodying our truest potential and contributing to the evolution of humanity.

What is a Kundalini Activation Transmission?

A transmission is an energetic opening of heightened frequency, wisdom, and divine energy in the space. The facilitator allows this powerful frequency to run through them so they can bring it into the space with the participants. The participant's frequency begins to resonate with the intensified life force energy channeled through the facilitator. This resonance allows the participant to experience their own life force energy in an intensified way, leading to profound shifts in consciousness, perception, and awareness. As the Kundalini energy is activated, it begins to move from the base of the spine, where it is said to reside, upward through the energy channels and centers. Along its journey, Kundalini clears energetic blockages and creates space for a more truthful way of being. The initial stages of Kundalini activation often involve a cleansing process, during which the participant may experience a release of old patterns, emotions, traumas, and energetic blockages. This shedding of illusions and distortions allows them to connect more deeply with their truth and their innate abilities. As the Kundalini energy clears the way, the participant begins to connect more deeply with their inner wisdom and soul essence. This connection activates dormant gifts and abilities encoded within the individual, allowing them to access their highest potential and purpose and connect to a state of oneness, unity and connection. Kundalini activation is an ongoing process of exploration and transformation. The more the participant exposes themselves to this elevated frequency, the deeper they can journey into expanded states of consciousness, unlocking new levels of awareness, insight, and self-realization.

Kundalini Activation Facilitator doing Mudras
Woman facilitating a Kundalini Activation
Kundalini Activation

Kundalini Activation Benefits

  • Natural regulation of the nervous system, reducing symptoms of hyperarousal or hypoarousal

  • Release stored trauma from the all levels of your being

  • Emotional healing through deep emotional release and the expression of unresolved emotions

  • Increase of self-awareness, that attunes you more precisely to your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations

  • Deeper connection to your inner resources including wisdom, self-compassion, self-love, resilience, empathy and more

  • Merging the mundane with the divine by recognizing divinity within you

  • Deeper appreciation of the present moment and a sense of reverence for all aspects of existence

  • Unlocking of your life gifts and spiritual abilities such as intuition, psychic sensitivity, channeling, light language, intuitive insights

  • Connection to the Oneness state, unity consciousness, where you feel interconnected with all of existence

  • Change of perception in how you view yourself and others, discernment in all areas of life.

  • Increased energy sensitivity

  • Embodiment of your unique, authentic truth

  • Clarity of your life’s blueprint and mission

  • Flow state & manifestation mastery by letting go of the “doership”, the forcing and pushing and allowing life to flow through and guide you

  • Decreased stress, anxiety, and tension, and increased relaxation and overall well-being

  • Raising of consciousness - individually and collectively as well

  • Unlocking your multidimensional awareness allowing you to perceive yourself and realities beyond the physical realm

  • Clarity of the mind and perception by clearing mental clutter and enhancing focus and concentration

  • Harmonisation of your system on all levels

  • Quantum Awareness of the interconnectedness of all things and the ability to navigate reality from an elevated perspective

The Integration Process

Kundalini Activation Mudras

Integration is sometimes an overlooked but crucial part of the Kundalini Activation process. While the actual activation is a a powerful puzzle piece of your journey, it's the integration that truly allows the magic to unfold and the transformation to happen. Integration is about taking what you've received during the activation and incorporating it into your being and your life. It's about being present with yourself, listening to your body and your whole system and honouring the needs that arise during this time. Instead of rushing to seek more experiences, integration invites you to pause, reflect, and fully absorb the ripples of the process.

Whether your Kundalini Activation was gentle or intense, the space that has been opened and the gifts that have been activated deserve your full attention. It's common for emotions to surface, internal processes to unfold, and the body might undergo a cleansing during integration. Sometimes, this phase may bring about confusing states or a sense of death and rebirth, as old versions of yourself are being shed. Yet, it might as well happen, that you start to sense the synchronicities, shifts in perception, and the new things you begin to attract in your life. Remember, everything that arises during integration is perfect as it is. If you find yourself identifying with what comes up, see if you can take a step back and observe without attaching to what arises. See if you can accept and allow, knowing that it's all part of a perfect orchestration. What keeps us stuck in a difficult process is, if we create constriction for what arises, the holding on to it. Instead, create space to welcome everything. Recognize that this process is your own energy working through you, offering divine guidance and opportunities for your personal growth on your unique journey. 

To support your integration journey, consider exploring Parts Work, a method that helps you become aware and understanding the various aspects arising within you, coming to a realisation of your wholeness. Embrace this opportunity to dive deeper, learn, and evolve as you integrate the profound experiences of Kundalini activation.

Ways to experience Kundalini Activation

You can experience Kundalini Activation in person and online - within groups, in retreats or 1:1. It depends on your needs and preferences. 

Within In-person group sessions, you'll connect with like-minded souls in a supportive and nurturing environment for the process.

For a more personalized approach, consider in-person 1:1 sessions, where you'll receive individualized attention and guidance.

If you are in a different location or prefer the convenience and flexibility of virtual sessions, I recommend to explore online group and 1:1 Kundalini Activation sessions from the comfort of your own home. 

For an immersive experience, you can attend one of the Kundalini Activation retreats or training programs to become a facilitator yourself.


  • It us entirely up to you, there is no wrong or right or general recommendation. It is important to listen to your needs and to take time for integration. Whenever you feel ready to dive into a session again, you decide to come.

  • Try not to eat at least 2 hours before. Eat lightly on the day of the activation. No coffee, no alcohol, no substances, no drugs. Take time before, make it a ceremony for yourself, let it be something special you do. Come with respect for this process that is yours. Be aware that this is a process for change and liberation. Come with self-responsibility and an open heart.

  • There isn't one formula that fits all, as we are all at different points in life. Additionally, the stages aren't necessarily experienced in a linear order and they can repeat. However, I want to tap into how the different stages in the process of working with your Kundalini might look like:

    Activation: The energy starts to move in your system. With it may come physical sensations like cold, warmth, tingling or the experience of subtle movements.

    Cleansing: Kundalini moves through your channels and centers, clearing the pathways for it to flow freely through you. This may involve shedding layers that keep you from your most authentic expression of truth, including releases like thought patterns, traumas or emotions.

    Opening: Your nervous system adapts to the frequencies, making the process more fluid. Possible movements may become more fluid, you connect with higher consciousness, tap into non-dual states, connect with the divine, with higher realms, maybe dimensions. You begin to embody the new information that has been brought to you.

  • Kundalini is your innate life force energy. It is considered safe to work with, when approached mindfully, respecting your system’s intelligence and its need for integration, rest and care. Since Kundalini supports you to purify your whole system, this may also mean working through unresolved emotions, traumas and other difficult topics, which can be challenging to navigate without support. Forcing Kundalini Activation through certain kundalini practices or techniques or doing too many sessions/ceremonies can lead to imbalances or disturbances in the energetic system. This may feel difficult to integrate for some people, especially with a lack of preparation, knowledge for the process and your system’s needs. Therefore, it is crucial to approach Kundalini Activation with care, respect, and awareness of one's own readiness and capacity for the process. Kundalini Activation is quite a new approach of awakening your Kundalini, which is all about surrendering to the energy. The more you let go and soften into the energy, allowing it to guide you inste d to force anything, the more you will receive exactly what you are ready to experience, activate or release.