Mediumship, Near Death Experience and Dimensions of Consciousness with Ginette Biro

“Here is a really neat example of portraying death that my guides had me tell my kids one time: I have a sweater, that I am wearing right now. As I am talking to you I feel completely me. This is me. This is what I look like, this is who I am. But if I get really hot, I don’t need the sweater anymore. If I take off my sweater, I still feel completely like me. I don’t feel any different. This is one hundred percent me. But this sweater: I don’t need it. I am grateful that I had it, but it is not useful in this environment anymore. And this is kind of how the spirit feels, when it separates from the body. It is saying: „Thank you, for lending me this to keep me warm.” - which equals the body saying „Thank you for letting me be 3D on planet earth. I appreciate it. I got to touch stuff and smell things but I don’t need it anymore. I put it over there.” And the spirit carries on, still feeling totally like they are, which is so true because when I was on the other side, I felt exactly like that. Like I was a hundred percent me.

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In this episode you will hear about…

  • Mediumship: Ginette’s gift of interpreting from other realms
    to our dimension

  • Channeling: letting through other beings

  • Ginette’s guidance on her journey: earth angels, mentors,
    spirt guides etc.

  • Setting boundaries and establishing rules with spirits

  • Ginette’s Near Death Experience and how it came to that point

  • Stories from the other side

  • The room of the life blueprints & changing the life blueprint

  • Talking to children about the Near Death Experiences and death

  • What death is and the dying process from a spirit perspective

  • What happens when souls depart the body

  • Our life lessons on earth as a soul

  • How your soulpath and passion are connected

  • The different dimensions of consciousness and frequency
    (from 3rd to 12th Dimension)

  • The three guides of light 

  • How to connect to higher dimensions

  • What we can do to raise our energy and frequency to connect
    to higher realms

  • The collective journey of consciousness on earth 

  • Timelineshift on Winter Solstice 2020 and what happened after

  • Where we are moving right now on a collective energy level

  • The Avalon Spirit: a portal for consciousness and spiritual growth

About Ginette Biro

Ginette Biro is a bridge between our world and other realms. As a medium she works with different senses to create the link to other dimensions and spirits. She connects with people on the other side who have passed on, with higher beings of light and spirit guides. Although she spends a lot of time in the spirit world she has a normal life with two kids, a husband and her pets. 

When she was 5 years old, it all started. She felt beings in her room, who she later learned were part of her council.
In 2019 when having a surgery, she had a near death experience, where she got to see and understand her life blueprint. She has been given the decision to come back to earth to share her experience, teachings and wisdom with others and guide them on their life path. 

Ginette brought her platform Avalon Spirit into life where she provides all sort of content around consciousness and spiritual growth. 
In her offers such as The Ginette Biro Podcast or spirit readings and Cosmic Consciousness Circles she helps people on their journey to live a life full of purpose and connection. 


Ginette’s Book: Avalon to Aurora -
Lessons From The Other Side To Guide Your Life On Earth

What can the afterlife teach us?

Ginette Biro has been there and back and has a powerful story to tell. As you journey through the pages of this book, she shares details of a near-death experience and the lessons divinely imparted to her that will help you live a life full of joy, love and purpose.

In Avalon to Aurora: Lessons From The Other Side To Guide Your Life On Earth, Ginette inspires the reader to expand their consciousness through a glimpse into the magic that is waiting beyond the veil for every one of us.

As a medium and cosmic channeler, Ginette Biro is claircognizant, clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient. Every day she sees things we don’t see, hears things we don’t hear, and feels things we don’t feel. She is a bridge between worlds - our world and the expanse beyond what we can see or know with our five senses. Ginette’s connection to dimensions far beyond the one we inhabit has continued to expand following her near-death experience (NDE). She is destined to become an impactful conduit and guide for spiritual growth on our planet.


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